URBAN+ is a design studio focus on urban design, planning, architecture, landscape and advisory to the government authorities and private sector in handling the urban development and reshaping the cities throughout Indonesia and Asia. Formed by the leading urban designers in Asia Sibarani Sofian and Ardzuna Sinaga in 2004 as a small studio with the name U+D Studio, currently re-established as URBAN+ has been transforming itself and the key people within it to become the leader of urban design services broadly in Southeast Asia. Initially work together with several mayor consultant in the field – EDAW, HOK, TAK and AECOM – the studio has been proven as an agile, creative and professionally reputable in handling planning and design issues on any type of development landscape throughout Southeast Asia, China and Middle East for the last 10 years. Our key people had been involved in any strategic design movement that shaped the urban situation in many places in Asia from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Dubai, Bahrain including several cities in China. From the vision creation to the design execution up to the city planning advisory, URBAN+ is now continuing the effort to make a better urban situation and city development through strategic movement in several cities in Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Surabaya, Solo, etc. in pursuits of ideal cities condition in the future. By introducing the communication platform between the developer from the business side with the City Leaders and the authorities plus the advisory and training by the team, we believe to keep achieving higher stepping stone to reach our goals of making good cities and great places as the ideal environment to live.

Alamat APL Tower – Central Park, Podomoro City, 28th Floor Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28, Grogol – Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 11470, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Bidang Perusahaan Urban Planning, Architecture and Landscape Consultant
Daya Tampung 1 atau 2
Akomodasi Honor
Kegiatan Magang Dapat membantu pekerjaan dalam sebuah tim, baik pekerjaan yang sifatnya project kantor, maupun kegiatan yang bersifat komunitas dan kolaborasi dengan organisasi di luar kantor.
Kegiatan Magang mahasiswa yang diharapkan oleh instansi/perusahaan Dapat berperan aktif dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan dalam sebuah tim, baik itu pekerjaan project maupun kegiatan di luar pekerjaan kantor. Sudah mengenal dan mampu dalam mengoperasikan software yang umum dipakai, seperti autocad, photoshop, sketchup, dan beberapa software render.
Ilmu yang akan diberikan pada peserta magang Kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan klien. Pengalaman dalam berdiskusi dengan rekan satu tim, baik dengan tim lanskap, maupun dengan tim Masterplan dan Arsitek. Kemampuan dalam menggunakan software tertentu.
Lama waktu magang 3 sampai 6 bulan (Offline)
Alamat website www.urbanplus.co.id